And last night, Alexi Johansen, Son of Techno Viking, came by Pinky's Peepshow to see Lorelei Vanora sing, and brought his mirror-ball-mirrored Disco Bike with him. The LEDs in the handlebars make it a sight to behold at night. I'm looking forward to him posting some nighttime footage of it that will do it justice, but in the meantime, here's a nighttime photo and some daytime footage:

Hugs + kisses,
[edit: March 28th, 2011]
Because of problems with my current domain host, I have set my Mildred Loves You site up at an alternate address for for safe-keeping (but am still hoping that my domain will go back online at some point anyway)...
p.s. I like the Freaky Nightlights over at Alexi's blogspace too...

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