Saturday, October 31, 2009

Last minute Halloween Greetings!

I hope all of you who celebrate Halloween are having fun doing so! The flu crept in to spoil my Halloween fun unfortunately!

I had hoped to have Pin-Up #34 finished by today, but we'll have to settle for a work-in-progress preview instead. Here 'tis (click it to see a larger version)...

I'll let you all know as soon as the finished version is up...

Cheers, LaLaVox
[edit: March 28th, 2011]
Because of problems with my current domain host, I have set my Mildred Loves You site up at an alternate address for for safe-keeping (but am still hoping that my domain will go back online at some point anyway)...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dr. Sketchy's Berlin + Site Updates

The premiere of the new Dr. Sketchy's Anti Art School Berlin on October 10th (hosted by Matthias Pflügner and featuring Tronicat la Miez and Hedoluxe) was great fun! And I'm really looking forward to the next one on November 14th (3:00pm at White Trash Fast Food once again)! If you love to draw and you like burlesque, then you simply must join us there!

And now to the site updates...

...I haven't had time to get a new pin-up finished and online yet, but I did find time this past Saturday to make some small (but long-planned) detail-updates to One of these updates had to do with the name and regularity of the pin-up series itself.

Back in February, because of ongoing time limitations, I decided to change The Monday Pin-Up into The Monthly Pin-Up. But this has turned out to be too difficult to keep up with reliably as well - as my free-time is unpredictable and the pin-ups have become ever more elaborate and time-consuming to produce along the way.

So I've decided to change the pin-up series' name from The Monthly Pin-Up to Mildred Loves Pin-Ups (which, now that I've thought of it, seems to me to be the name it should have had all along anyway). And I'm doing this retroactively; in other words, I'm simply going to pretend that I changed the name directly from The Monday Pin-Up to Mildred Loves Pin-Ups way back in February. It's simpler and more elegant this way.

I missed my intended September pin-up deadline of course. But the planned Halloween Guest-Star Pin-Up is on its way, and the Guest Star Pin-Up that was originally planned for September will be coming your way sometime in November. Their arrivals on the front page will be announced, as always, here, and in various other as-obvious-as-possible places. ;)

Cheers, LaLaVox
[edit: March 28th, 2011]
Because of problems with my current domain host, I have set my Mildred Loves You site up at an alternate address for for safe-keeping (but am still hoping that my domain will go back online at some point anyway)...